What’s in Hoodia Gordonii Plus?

The plus must mean something. Hoodia Gordonii Plus is one of the many popular hoodia diet pills on the market. Here’s a look at what’s in it and why these other ingredients were included.
If you really want to lose weight and you are looking for a hoodia diet pill to use as an appetite suppressant. There are many products to choose from. One interesting product is called Hoodia Gordonii Plus. This may or may not be the right product for you. This information is provided to help you decide.
The primary active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii Plus is, as the name suggests, hoodia gordonii. Some hoodia diet pills use a very small amount of hoodia gordonii in their products. Hoodia Gordonii Plus uses 400mg of a concentrated form of hoodia gordonii. CITES certification and product analysis available for inspection at the Hoodia Gordonii Plus website support the authenticity of the hoodia gordonii used by the company. Concentrated forms are created by using alcohol to isolate the active ingredient. The powder which remains when the alcohol is removed contains no skin or fibers and is considered to provide a more potent source than those powders which are created by grinding up the whole plant. Some manufacturers of hoodia diet pills claim that the African natives ate the whole plant to curb their hunger when other food sources were not available, but they actually peeled and discarded the skin.
As the plus suggests, hoodia gordonii is not the only active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii Plus. 50mg of garcinia cambogia is included. Garcinia cambogia which is commonly called gambooge is a plant native to West and Central Africa and parts of Asia. Gambooge was used in traditional Indian medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It was included in Hoodia Gordonii Plus because certain clinical studies indicate that the active compound found in gambooge can decrease appetite, body mass index, and increase the body’s ability to burn fat. Research of the effects of gambooge is contradictory. Some groups showed positive results while others did not, but it is widely recommended as a natural fat burner. There is another hoodia diet pill which includes garcinia cambogia, but the amount of genuine hoodia gordonii in that product is questionable.
Hoodia Gordonii plus also includes 250 mg of magnesium, an essential mineral found in most vitamin supplements. Some well known diet experts recommend supplementation of magnesium. It is not commonly found in hoodia diet pills. Magnesium helps strengthen muscles including the heart and helps the body to make use of the B complex vitamins, (important for energy) vitamin C and E. Magnesium is found naturally in green vegetables, nuts and seafood, but since the average American diet is high in starches, breads and pasta, which are low in magnesium, most people do not get enough. Total daily intake of magnesium should not exceed 400 mg, as higher dosages can be toxic. If you choose to use Hoodia Gordonii Plus, check the label of your daily vitamin to make sure that it does not contain more than 150mg of magnesium. Most do not, but some high potency products may.
There is 50mg of green tea extract in Hoodia Gordonii Plus. Some other hoodia diet pills include green tea as well. There have been numerous studies about the health benefits of green tea. It contains anti-oxidants which are thought to prevent cancer and possibly even wrinkles. Hoodia Gordonii Plus includes green tea in its product because research has shown that green tea can raise metabolic rates, speed up fat oxidation and calorie burning. Because green tea contains small amounts of caffeine (less than a cup of coffee), those who are particularly sensitive to stimulants may have to choose a different hoodia diet pill.
There are other ingredients in Hoodia Gordonii Plus. Those mentioned here are just the most interesting. There are other good hoodia diet pills on the market, which contain nothing but hoodia gordonii. Choosing one product over another is of course an individual decision.
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