Are You Buying African Hoodia?

It is necessary to do a little research, before you can be sure that the product you are buying is South African hoodia. There are many varieties of the hoodia plant, but only South African hoodia gordonii is believed to be a natural appetite suppressant.
Many people have heard about African hoodia. News reporters have traveled to Africa to sample the plant. Pharmaceutical companies are currently working on a prescription medication which makes use of the South African hoodia gordonii plant. Many health supplement companies are marketing products which claim to contain African hoodia for use by dieters as natural appetite suppressants. While most of these companies are undoubtedly delivering reliable and high quality products, there have been reports which state that some of these products do not contain South African hoodia gordonii, at all. So, how can the consumer be sure that what he or she is buying is genuine?
Wild growth of South African hoodia gordonii is rare and protected from exportation by legislation. In order to legally export African hoodia gordonii, a manufacturer must have a CITES license. Legally exported African hoodia is grown on farms or plantations. A reputable supplement company should be willing to make their licenses available for inspection by consumers. In order to support claims that they are selling genuine South African hoodia gordonii, some companies display their CITES licenses and the chemical evaluations of their products. The wise consumer will read these reports carefully. Some companies appear to have documents that, upon close inspection, are questionable.
South African hoodia gordonii is a succulent that grows in clumps of upright stems. Some reporters have called it an ugly plant. Beauty is, however, in the eye of the beholder. After about five years the South African hoodia gordonii produces pale purple flowers. According to Phytopharm, a British pharmaceutical company holding the patent on the active molecule in African hoodia, it is around this same time that the plant reaches maturity and can be harvested. Phytopharm has invested millions of dollars researching the African hoodia plant’s potential as an appetite suppressant. Some critics of the health supplement industry are concerned that the active molecule may not be present in large enough quantities to have an effect on a person’s appetite. Supporters recount the South African hoodia plant’s historical use by natives. They were not able to isolate an active molecule. They reportedly ate the stems of the African hoodia gordonii in its natural form.
Dieters who have tried the appetite suppressants currently on the market report mixed reviews; as with most health supplements, African hoodia works for some people and not for others. No one is claiming that healthy diet and a reasonable exercise program are not important for weight loss. While South African hoodia gordonii may help to curb a person’s appetite, it will not magically melt the fat off of a person’s body. Consumers interested in trying African hoodia should buy from a reputable company that sells other health supplements, displays a CITES certification and/or chemical analysis, and offers a reasonable money-back guarantee if the product fails to produced desired results. Two products which meet all of these criteria and have received positive reviews by dieters are Desert Burn and Hoodia Gordonii Plus. Desert Burn is a 750mg capsule which contains 100% pure South African hoodia gordonii direct from South African farmers and is doctor endorsed.. Hoodia Gordonii Plus contains a mixture of African hoodia and other natural appetite suppressants.
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