What is Hoodia?

Most people interested in hoodia today are primarily interested in the potential of pure hoodia gordonii products as appetite suppressants. People ask, “What is hoodia?”, because, until recently, it was commonly used by only a small group of South African natives. The San or Bushmen, commonly referred to as San Bushmen, are believed to have lived in southern Africa for at least 20,000 years. Living in areas surrounding the Kalahari Desert, the Bushmen are familiar with the hoodia gordonii and have used it to suppress appetite and hunger during long hunts. This practice inspired the modern use of pure hoodia gordonii products by dieters.
If a tourist asked, “What is hoodia?” The Bushmen might point out a plant with purple flowers and long spiky leaves that resembles a cactus, but is actually a succulent. There are many different species of hoodia, but only hoodia gordonii has been researched for its effectiveness as an appetite suppressant. There may be products on the market, claiming to contain hoodia and being sold as appetite suppressants, which contain some other species of hoodia. Dieters’ asking what is hoodia and searching for hoodia supplements would be wise to avoid these products, since they will probably not work. One way to find a product that is more likely to be an effective appetite suppressant is to look for one which contains pure hoodia gordonii from South Africa.
According to the American Obesity Association, there are approximately 127 million adults in the United States that are overweight and another 69 million that are obese. This may account for the large number of people asking; what is hoodia. People concerned about being overweight and the effects it may have on their health will try just about anything to lose those extra pounds. Pure hoodia gordonii products may help.
Which brings up another question; what is hoodia gordonii not going to do. Pure hoodia gordonii will not cause rapid overnight weight loss. It is not a miracle drug and manufacturers do not make outrageous claims about its effectiveness. Like so many products, pure hoodia gordonii works for some people and not for others. It does not, nor is it advertised to, take the place of reasonable diet and exercise programs. Pure hoodia gordonii is merely an aid. Some people have trouble sticking with a low calorie diet and low calorie diets often lead to decreased metabolism. Research of the active molecule in pure hoodia gordonii suggests that it may reduce appetite, without reducing metabolism.
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