Breaking Hoodia Info

Learn about the pros and cons of hoodia gordonii for weight loss

Thursday, May 04, 2006

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A Look at Hoodia Reviews

Hoodia is making news and everyone seems to have something to say about it. Here is a look at some hoodia reviews, customer comments and basic product information.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant that grows wild in the deserts of South Africa. Commonly referred to as a cactus, it is actually a succulent, something like Aloe Vera. Its effectiveness as an appetite suppressant is the subject of some debate, but for the most part hoodia reviews are positive. It was a couple of years ago when Leslie Stahl gave what may be the most famous hoodia review. The 60 minutes reporter traveled to Africa to investigate the product. After eating a sample that a Bushman helped her locate, she declared that she was not hungry for the rest of the day.

Hoodia reviews which contain customer comments are not always positive. Generally these hoodia reviews refer to specific products and not to the overall effectiveness of hoodia as an appetite suppressant. It seems that some products receive more positive reviews than others. There are a couple of things that may lead to this disparity among hoodia reviews.

First, there are at least 15 different varieties of hoodia, but only the hoodia gordonii species is believed to suppress appetite. Some negative hoodia reviews may be of products containing some other variety of hoodia. There are two certifications that a dieter can look for to confirm that a product contains South African hoodia gordonii. They are the C.I.T.E.S. certificate and the Analytical Report. Products which display one or both of these certifications on their websites or package can be purchased with confidence.

Second, some products contain additional ingredients, such as green tea. Green tea is also considered to be a natural appetite suppressant, but contains caffeine which is a stimulant. People who are sensitive to stimulants may report a negative hoodia review if they are taking products which contain green tea. On the other hand, this combination may work better for some people. Dietary supplements of all varieties work on an individual basis. That is to say; they work for some and not for others.
Sometimes, it is necessary to try a product or a variety of products, before the best product for a specific individual is found. Reading the hoodia reviews is not always a guarantee of personal satisfaction, but it is a place to start.

This leads to the third factor that may determine a person’s overall satisfaction with a hoodia product. Those manufactures which guarantee their products generally get a positive hoodia review, while those products with no guarantee will get more customer complaints. Some companies only make refunds on bottles that have not been opened and charge a restocking fee. Other companies accept returns of opened bottles when a customer is dissatisfied and do not charge additional fees. There are websites that are dedicated to comparing different products and publishing customer comments. These can be found by typing in the search term “hoodia reviews” or “hoodia review”. Desert Burn is one product which is highly rated by these sites, both for price, guarantee and customer satisfaction.

It is difficult to judge a product based solely on a customer’s hoodia review. Customer expectation is often unrealistic. Hoodia and other appetite suppressants only work when used in conjunction with a proper diet and reasonable exercise. It is not a “magic pill”. As far as anyone knows there is nothing that will help a person lose weight, if that person does not make any lifestyle changes. Hoodia is, after all, just an appetite suppressant. It may appear that a lot of people say that a specific hoodia product does not work. It is important to remember that satisfied customers often say nothing. Anyone who has worked in retail is aware that comment and suggestion boxes contain more negatives than positives. This may be the primary reason for negative hoodia reviews.