Breaking Hoodia Info

Learn about the pros and cons of hoodia gordonii for weight loss

Sunday, May 14, 2006

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Hoodia and Breastfeeding Don’t Mix

There have been some questions about hoodia and breastfeeding. For this reason, we address the subject here.

There is only one published hoodia gordonii study at this time. This study was performed at Brown University Medical School in Rhode Island. The participants in this hoodia gordonii study were rats. Questions concerning the safety of using hoodia and breastfeeding have not been addressed by the scientific community. However, it is important for mothers to remember that anything she eats or drinks or allows to enter her bloodstream in any other way will show up in her breast milk and will be passed along to her infant. If the current speculation concerning hoodia gordonii as an appetite suppressant is correct. This could mean that the baby’s appetite would be affected as well.

Any reputable manufacturer makes the following statements concerning the use of hoodia. Even though there is only one hoodia gordonii study and clinical research has not been completed by Phytopharm, who is licensed to develop the patented p57 molecule, consumers should consult their doctors before use. It is not recommended to combine hoodia and breastfeeding. Dieters should be in reasonably good health. It is not recommended to use hoodia during pregnancy. Drug interaction factors are unknown. Use by diabetics has not been formally studied. In fact the only information that is currently available is a simple statement by Phytopharm which indicated that results of their studies indicate no health risks and confidence in safety is high enough to continue research. Results from Phytopharm research and the other hoodia gordonii study have been promising enough to interest health supplement manufacturers and many hoodia products are available for purchase, but the potential for law suits is not as high in the health supplement industry as it is in the pharmaceutical industry. For this reason and others Phytopharm will not release its hoodia product until clinical research is complete. One hoodia gordonii study is not enough.

Everyone knows that one of the things concerning new mothers is taking off the extra weight they may have gained during pregnancy. But, using hoodia and breastfeeding simultaneously is not the answer. Breastfeeding mothers should not use any form of appetite suppressant. Breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctors before using any over the counter meds or health supplements. Breastfeeding is considered the best way to insure proper nutrition and psychological bonding for infants, but mothers need to be very careful about what they eat or drink. Proper diet and reasonable exercise will have to suffice while breastfeeding. There may never be a hoodia gordonii study involving hoodia and breastfeeding.